Marlborough Chinese Fellowship is a Christian group started on 15th September 2021 in Blenheim. Whether you are interested in the Bible or Christianity, or are desiring to grow in the faith, or would like to meet some new friends or practise your Mandarin, or try some yummy Chinese food, we warmly welcome you!
马尔堡华人团契是一个基督教信仰的团契,于2021年9月15日在Blenheim 小镇成立。不管您是对圣经和基督教文化感兴趣的慕道友,还是渴望在信仰上成长和进深的基督徒,我们真心欢迎您加入! 当然,我们的活动也少不了中华美食啦。期待着你的参与~
Our Ministries / 我们的事工
Weekly Bible Study: Wednesday 6:00–7:30PM in the Church Lounge (during school terms)
Monthly Worship and Fellowship Gathering: the second Sunday of every month 3:00–5:00PM (with a shared dinner afterwards)