Prayer for Redwoodtown
Please come and pray for Redwoodtown with us; the school, the medical centre, pharmacy, etc.
Light refreshments will follow at 3pm.
Eldercare Programmes
Older Persons Seminars are cancelled until further notice, due to Red Level framework. Other programmes are running.
Please talk to Diana if you have any queries.
Eldercare Closing Dates
All current Eldercare programs (Steady As You Go balance & exercise class; Keep U Moving walking group and Older Persons Seminars) will finish in the week ending 17th December 2021.
Programs will start again the first week in February 2022 subject to Covid-19 alert levels at the time.
ANZAC Day Service
Please note our ANZAC Day Service will be at 9am (not 9.30). This will allow those wishing to attend the Civic Service in town to do so. Our Preacher will be Canon John Neal, former Principal Chaplain of the NZ Defence Forces.
Office Closure
Please note the Parish Office will be closed from 19th—23rd April while Tineke is on annual leave.
For any urgent enquiries, please contact James Jermyn, People’s Warden.
Offering Envelopes
As many Parishioners have changed to offerings via direct credit, envelopes may not be required.
If you do require a new supply, please contact Tineke in the office.
We are currently updating our Rosters list. If you feel led to help in our services, there are many opportunities to serve. Please ask!
Likewise, if you would like to come off the rosters please advise Tineke in the Office.
Our bank (ANZ) will no longer accept cheques for banking as from 31st May 2021. If you would like to discuss options for offertory, donations and payments, please contact Tineke in our Office.
Friday Prayer through Lent
You are invited to journey through Lent with this short service of prayer, readings, music and reflection.
This is a chance to spend time with God and deepen your relationship with your God who waits to meet with you.
12 o’clock each Friday, beginning 19th February.
Order of St Luke
The Order of St. Luke meet in the Church on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1.15pm – 3pm.
The first meeting for 2021 will be on 17th February.
All welcome—for more information please talk to Rev. Kevin.
Men’s Breakfast
The first Men’s Breakfast for 2021 will be held on Saturday 13th February, in the Lounge.
Please sign up on the clipboard at the back of the Church.
AAW Begins
AAW begins 2021 with their first meeting on Thursday 4th February, St. Christopher’s Hall at 1.30 pm. This will be a time of Christmas and New year stories and time to catch up with all members.
Taizé Service
Nativity Church is pleased to welcome you to a Taizé style service. This will be held in St Barnabas Chapel, alongside Nativity Church on Andrews Street.
iconz4girls Plea for help
Please help us. Unfortunately, at the end of 2020 we will have to close out Unit if we cannot recruit at least 3 more ladies to help us.