29 August 2024
Dear Friends
We can evidently see new life around us as days begin to get longer and trees and flowers begin to blossom. Spring brings hope and joy. King Solomon expressed this joy when he wrote:
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.
(Song of Songs 2:11–13)
There are lots to report and give thanks for.
The 11th of August was a doubly special day for us as we celebrated St C’s 115th anniversary and the confirmations of 8 church members. Happy anniversary to all of us, and congratulations to those who were confirmed: Megan Berlin, Joshua Gwynne, May Jariel, Yoshua Judanto, Jenny Spall, Nadia Uys, Rochell Uys and Erina Vosser (see photo below). It was lovely to have our Bishop and his wife Watiri join us for the special occasion. Here is a portion of the prayer which we prayed together for our church during the lunch:
Lord God, we offer our prayers to you today for our church – St Christopher’s Redwoodtown:
that your Holy Spirit may inspire our worship and lead us into deeper fellowship;
that we may continue to pass on our faith to succeeding generations;
that we may serve the community in which we live with commitment, vision and enthusiasm;
that within our fellowship there may be found comfort for the sorrowful, strength for the weak, compassion for the sick, and concern and love for all …
We pray that we may remain faithful to our calling, as did your Son, Jesus Christ, that by your grace our lives may be examples on which those after us may build, to your praise and glory. Amen.
We are progressing well with the evaluation of our Discipleship, Pastoral Care and Children’s Ministries. We’ve had a couple of “open meetings” and discussions, giving everyone the opportunity to share our views and add our ideas to the mix. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday 22 September in the Church Hall. I hope to see you there.
Margaret Conway has relinquished her license for lay ministry, after many years of faithful ministry. She will no longer be taking on preaching and worship-leading responsibilities, but she will remain a member of St C’s and will carry on with her other commitments. Thank you Margaret for your ministry to our church. May the Lord continue to bless, guide and protect you as you go into “retirement”.
We give thanks for the success of John Ferrer’s concert last Sunday (25 August). We had over 70 people at the event on Sunday night, who were very supportive of John and enjoyed and responded very well to his performance and gave generously to him. All the donations, including those that came in on Sunday morning and early this week, amounted to $3,160 – a very generous amount which John did not expect and is deeply grateful for. I would like to thank everyone for your support and generosity, and a big thank you to all who helped make the concert a success. I’m thankful to Mark Peters who handled all the donations and is making sure the money goes to where it is intended.
At the Annual Meeting of the Order of St Luke last week, I was nominated and confirmed as the new Chaplain for OSL Blenheim. OSL is a healing and wholeness prayer ministry firmly based on the New Testament and committed to wholistic and gospel-orientated healing. The OSL Chapter in Blenheim is a small group, consisting of not more than 10 members, who meet monthly for prayer, fellowship and mutual support. We are an open group, happy to welcome any newcomer. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 17 September, 1.15pm in St C’s lounge.
I report with sadness the passing of Colleen Bevans, a much-loved member of our church, on 20 August, after a short illness. “Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain.” Colleen’s service was held at St C on 26 August, attended by the family and very many friends. “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:23). Please uphold Ash Bevans and the wider family in your prayers.
Here are some important dates and events which I encourage you to pray about:
12–14 September: Diocesan Synod
This is the AGM of our Diocese. This year Synod will take place in Greymouth. I will be attending, along with our Synod Reps: Mary Griffiths, Alan and Valerie Nicholson.
15 September: Messy Church, 4–6pm
This is our Spring Messy Church gathering – an event for the whole family. Theme: God’s Family – Joseph
28 September: Rest & Receive Prayer, 2–4pm
Drop in at your convenience at any time between 2pm and 4pm in our Church to receive prayer ministry and rest in God's presence. For more information, contact Ellen Anderson – email wes.ellen68@gmail.com. No registration is required.
29 September: Combined Service, 10.30am
An all-age, intergenerational service, which will include the Baptism of Hunter Uys. A shared lunch and fellowship will follow the service.
Please also pray for the ongoing preparations for Market Morning, and for good health and strength for all volunteers, and especially for Viv and Mark Peters.
Yours in Christ
Confirmations - group photo
Church meeting and discussion for the evaluation of Discipleship, Pastoral Care and Children’s Ministries.
With Rev Christina Naseri, OSL National Chaplain, who inducted me as OSL Blenheim Chaplain last week.
Margaret Conway speaking at the special morning tea which was put on for her by Vestry on 25th August.
John Ferrer with Roger Gomes and Koon Ng at the concert last Sunday.